In the pastor’s words for the spring of 2024, we talked about living in expectation and about being prepared.
Are we like the five wise bridesmaids who lived in anticipation that he might come at whatever moment it should be. Or is it with us as with the five foolish and unprepared bridesmaids who did not keep their lamps in order (Mat. 25,1-13).
Regardless of whether you have a tendency towards optimism or pessimism, whether you look at life from the bright or dark side, whether you always see the opportunities or the problems in life, we live in a time where there are constantly new challenges that we need to face. There is a lot of turmoil and chaos in the world, and it is always about securing the future.
But can we secure our future, when we do not know what the future will look like or what challenges tomorrow may bring? It’s basically very simple, we can’t and we shouldn’t either.
Because as the scriptures say: “Which of you can add a day to his life by worrying” (Mat. 6:27) or “We are in this world, but we are not of this world” (John 17)
We are not in this world by chance or accident, our purpose for being her is to seek God with a sincere heart and seek God’s will.
His will for a Christian is to seek God’s kingdom above all else and to love our neighbor as ourselves. When God blesses us, it is to give us the opportunity to bless our neighbors.
God is love, from his throne flows a constant stream of love and blessing. This flow of love brings salvation, it was this love that made Jesus come to earth, serve and give his life for to bring salvation, for all who accept.
That love brings healing and healing, restoration and miracles, yes, everything we need.

What does that have to do with us today?
First, he wants us to experience his infinite love in our own lives. Next, it is His will to use us as the channels and tools through which He can reach out to our neighbors.
If we want to know and do God’s will, then do as Jesus did when he walked with his disciples, and as the disciples did later: follow the divine love.
You can win souls and bring people back to God, you can experience healing and restoration, see God’s miraculous intervention where it looks most hopeless.
Love was the guiding principle in Jesus’ life. God’s love can also lead you to the people God wants to reach. We must be ready to follow it wherever it goes.
If we want to experience this, then we must forget our own plans and expectations, surrender it all to the Lord, so that we can experience how the Holy Spirit can lead us in pre-prepared works.

As we continue to live in anticipation of His soon return, let us work to spread the gospel wherever possible. As channels of His love, let us spread the message of God’s infinite grace to as many as possible while it is still possible.

As humans, we can get tired and experience exhaustion during work, even if we serve God, it probably happens to everyone from time to time. When we occasionally feel like this, we must remember that God loves us and has promised to be with us all the days.
He is coming soon, so with endurance and patience let us lift the shield of faith.

Greetings Pastor Ruben