Sometimes it is necessary or just refreshing to get the opportunity to start all over again.

I will repeat this from the pastor’s words this spring:
“Is there anything comparable to a new beginning, this being allowed to start all over again? It is something that is known from many contexts in this life. Just think about when a little child arrives in this world, or after the cold winter is over and the first plants begin to sprout and grow. The animals get ready for family growth, the birds build nests and get ready for laying eggs and the first mammals give birth to their young. Soon we have forgotten the dark and cold time.”

Regardless of which of the examples mentioned above we look at, it’s about getting the chance to start fresh.

It is the same for us today. God wants to give all people the opportunity to start a fresh.

Maybe it did not go so well last time, maybe you are left with the experience of failure and a number of wasted opportunities, but now you get the chance to start fresh.

This is what the scripture calls grace, a totally new chance, and there is not something you can do yourself to deserve it.

How many times do we not see in scripture that God is giving His people the opportunity for a new beginning – when Noah built the ark, when Lot was taken out of Sodom, when Israel left Egypt, when the Israelites conquered the Promised Land and many other examples could be mentioned.

When Jesus gave His life as atonement for our sins at Calvary, we got a unique opportunity for a new beginning. It is about regaining faith and trust in God and seizing the God-given opportunity for a new beginning.

In James chapter 1 verse 17 it says that all good gifts come from God.

In Hebrews chapter 4 verses 14-16 it says that he has compassion and we can get help from him.

Of course, it is not just about receiving the gifts, but also about knowing what gifts come from God. How, then, can we know which gifts are from God and which come from more or less random circumstances or are directly from evil?

Actually, it’s easy! God, who is our Heavenly Father, wants us to prosper, but his adversary, the Devil, seeks to harm us and the kingdom of God.

Here are a number of characteristics that hopefully can make it a little easier to judge what comes from God or not.

These things do not come from God: something that hinders God’s kingdom, fear, unbelief, distrust, unrest and stress, hatred, strive, uncontrolled anger, impatience, unfounded worry, condemnation, division, grief, sorrow, hopelessness, guilt, rejection and low self-esteem, discouragement, egoism, envy and jealousy, exclusionary behavior and over-focusing on a one specific truth with the risk of religiosity or heresy.

Characteristics of that which comes from God: it promotes the kingdom of God, faith and trust, rest, love, peace and reconciliation, boldness, selflessness, patience, joy, hope, rejoicing with others in their success, including others, a pure conscience, knowing that you are accepted and loved by God, a sound doctrine in accordance with the doctrine of Christ and the disciples.

Greetings from Pastor Ruben